The adventure begins with Billy Batson meeting his self-proclaimed greatest fan who gives Billy a brand new watch as a present. The fan turns out to be none other than Dr. Sivana in disguise! After Billy leaves, Sivana cackles that Billy and Captain Marvel are now out of business because of the watch.
What could this mean? We soon find out as Billy hears a report of a bridge collapsing and needs to transform into Captain Marvel. As he starts to say the magic word, Billy can only blurt "Sha...." and then goes into suspended animation for two minutes and finally finishes saying,"...zam!" The magic lightning strikes and the transformation into Captain Marvel is complete!
Captain Marvel arrives too late to keep the bridge from collapsing, and this makes Cap wonder as he says, "I can't understand it! I got here as quickly as I could...yet I was too late!" As Cap walks away, we see Sivana observing him and happily recounting that the watch he gave Billy is made of Suspendium, and any time Billy or Captain Marvel say "Shazam!" when wearing the watch, it puts them in suspended animation for two minutes! Two minutes, opines Sivana, is all he needs to become the 'rightful ruler of the world'!!!
This was a fairly short adventure for Cap and Billy, but what I enjoyed about it was Sivana once again using his Suspendium compound to try and defeat Captain Marvel. It didn't work the first time, and it didn't work this time either!
*According to Mike's Amazing World of Comics
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